The MCILEDC knows how important it is to a successful business to have an efficient means to bring in supplies, ship products and services out, and for workers to get to and from work. To that end, MCILEDC staff works closely with rail, road-way related, and public facility (water and sewer) assistance program providers to secure public infrastructure funds on behalf of a development project. Depending on the timing of the project, its needs, and availability of a specific program’s funds, MCILEDC works with pertinent local governments to make applications for assistance in a timely manner. Working relationships already in place with the Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and the United States Department of Commerce will be utilized to help a project pay the cost difference of upgrading local highways, building rail spurs, and bringing water and sewer up to a company’s property lines. One or more of the following could be accessed.  Contact us for help in accessing these public infrastructure assistance programs.

Illinois Department of Transportation – Rail Freight Program. IDOT offers low interest loans to companies, or sometimes under special circumstances , a grant to the relevant community could be considered,  to help improve rail freight service to a business development project. Your project must result in job creation and/or retention and transportation savings to be eligible. (Currently the Rail Freight Loan Program is not accepting applications for grants. Only applications for loans will be considered.)

Illinois Department of Transportation – Economic Development Program. Manufacturing, warehouse and distribution companies, regional business centers,  and major tourism and entertainment venues. who are making a capital investment and creating jobs in Illinois, can get help from IDOT, for improving local or municipal roadways that are needed to support their development project. This program is not competitive, but projects that are speculative in nature are ineligible.

  • Eligible Applicants: Local governments are the eligible recipients for these funds on behalf of the business project. 
  • Funding levels: EDP can fund $30,000 per new job created;$10,000 per existing job retained, up to 50% of eligible costs; maximum of $2M. If access improvement is located on a state highway, IDOT can fund 100%.
  • Allowable costs: roadway-related construction, preliminary and construction engineering, and contingencies.  
  • Availability of funds. Ongoing until funds are diminished. 

Illinois Department of Transportation – Truck Access Route Program (TARP). IDOT can make it possible for  local governments to access funds to help pay the cost difference of upgrading local highways to meet additional weight and geometric requirements for truck accessibility (80,000  lb. trucks). 

  • Eligible applicants. Local governments. 
  • Funding Level. The program will provide  $45,000 per lane mile and $22,000 per eligible intersection, with total project funding up to one-half of the project costs, subject to a maximum of $900,000 per project. 
  • Eligible Projects. Only road sections determined to be eligible for upgrading to a designated  truck route will be funded unless phase construction is approved. Eligible routes must terminate at a designated truck route or municipality and begin  at a truck generator, another designated truck route, or municipality. TARP funds can be used for project construction only and in conjunction with an IDOT-EDP project. (Roadway sections previously upgraded with TARP funds are not eligible  for funding.TARP not intended for use in pavement preservation or maintenance projects.)
  • Availability. On a rolling basis for roadway-improvements that benefit a business that creates and retains full time permanent jobs. 

Illinois Community Development Block Grant EDP – Public Infrastructure. Local governments, who can demonstrate a financial gap, can apply for public infrastructure funds in behalf of qualifying business projects.

  • Funding Levels: $10K-25K per full time job created  and $10K per job retained with a maximum of $1M.
  • Allowable uses: Can be used for water and sewer and road improvements on behalf of an eligible business making a capital investment and creating jobs.
  • Eligible applicants: Local governments in HUD non-entitlement area.
  • Special program requirements:  51% of the jobs created/Retained must be filled by persons of low to moderate income and the company must exhibit a need for assistance. If company chooses to pursue this program assistance, the company cannot undertake any site limiting activities, make any public announcements, nor incur any costs pursuant to the proposed project until the grant application approval/award process is complete. A minimum of 60 days should be allowed for the aforementioned process. 

USDOC Economic Development Administration (EDA) Public Works Program. This United States Department of Commerce (USDOC) program is designed to provide grant funds to projects located in a region or geographic area that meets EDA’s economic distress criteria (OR) for projects not located in a distressed area, but EDA determines the proposed project will be of a substantial direct benefit to a geographic area within the District that meets EDA’s Economic distress criteria. Program focus is to help communities to revitalize, upgrade, or expand economic development-related infrastructure such as water and sewer system improvements, and rail or roadway-related improvements. Generally, the amount of an EDA award may not exceed 50% of the total cost of the project (maximum $2M). Depending upon the relative needs of the region, that percent could be higher and is usually determined by the average per capita income or unemployment rate of the region in which the project is located.

IEPA Wastewater/Stormwater and Drinking Water Loan Programs. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has a low interest loan for a variety of wastewater/stormwater  and drinking water capital projects.

  • Eligible Applicants: Public or Private entities.
  • Terms/Rate:  1.81% interest rate for 20 years.
  • Qualifying Projects:  new drinking water or  wastewater infrastructure construction; upgrading or rehabilitating  existing infrastructure; stormwater related  projects that  benefit water quality; variety of other projects that protect or improve the quality of Illinois’s rivers, streams, and lakes. 
  • Availability:  Annually opens July of each year.